The job of delivering the UK’s water, gas, and electricity networks is an incredibly important one. With excavations as a significant part of your role, you are likely to be digging near one of the many high pressure oil, gas, or chemicals pipelines that run across the UK. Hitting one of these networks could have serious ramifications, from polluting the environment and explosions, to worker fatalities. Things to avoid at all costs.
Operatives should look for marker posts on-site which denote the presence of a pipeline. If you see one, contact the operator immediately. However, you can avoid delays like this by being proactive. We recommend a simple and FREE search, to help inform you about any networks near your project, as well as who to contact about your planned activities before you arrive on-site.
No excavation work is usually allowed within the pipeline easements without permission from the pipeline operator. Further to this, if any planned work is within 50 metres of an oil, gas, or chemicals pipeline, you MUST notify the operator first. Your works may require supervision, which often require a minimum of three working days’ notice.
Some pipelines are buried less than one metre deep, please don’t take the risk. Contact the operator by always searching before you dig!